Education at la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Education at la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta


English for local comunities

!Everyone who wants to learn is welcome!

This educational service is free.

It is a community service designed especially for the local communities, Indigenous, students, collaborators, and visitors in general that are related to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

To register for the free online courses and educational programs, you must send us the information below:

    Find below the educational program in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta that interests you most:


    Here you can access  to educational, practical, constructive, updated, and free materials and information.


    The mission is provide practical education, especially oriented towards the local communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, indigenous and peasant communities, employees, suppliers, and visitors.

    We invite you to visit and suscribe to our Youtube Channel


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